Unplanned or accidental pregnancy is particularly terrifying for a woman approaching her menopause. Generally, the women in this age expect to enjoy their intimate life until well into old age. There are many concerns why an unplanned pregnancy at this age of life can appear to be terrible. A couple may have enough child and they want to organize some time for themselves. Some women may get worried by knowing that the child will have a far greater statistical risk of a hereditary disability. Some couple worries that they had grown too old to face with the stresses and strains of prenatal care. Most of the women of this age want to enjoy intimate life for emotional satisfaction, so they suppress their fertility. It is no longer estimated that women in their forties or fifties should be either preparing to settle into a stable family life or to look after their children or husband. At this age of life every woman desires to have a secure income and a decent home, and they all focus ar...