If you are seeking a measure for safe and accurate method for abortion, your search has reached to your destination now. First one has to make up the mind to shake of the unexpected gravidity. This is not a new drug; it is a very common drug that has been used by doctors and women. RU486 is a divine drug that brings you an option for young couples, if they have gone filthy and uncontrolled in intimacy without taking care of after effects. This will lead them to be sorry. If you conclude the pregnancy in the mean time then it can be procured in ease with help of this abortion pill. Before getting the medication, you must want to know that what was the possible rating or reviews given to RU486. The drug has wide effective range it has 96%-99% if taken the drug in first 49 day of pregnancy, although drug is also effective in second trimesters. RU486 is nothing but 200 mg Mifepristone active pharmaceutical drug. Although some people think it is bette...