control is very common topic to be shared amongst the feminine folks you must
have heard of various method for the birth control and measures. Most
prevailing method is hormone pills which are used by females as the drug is
nothing but a hormone that will prevent pregnancy and regulate the disorder
like treatment of acute condition of acne where antibiotic therapy turns
helpless. Some time due to lack of female hormone the increased androgen level
induce increased hair are treated with help of nothing but the hormone pills.
The pill not only helps as birth control pill but also helps in the condition
where female suffer painful menstrual cycles. The drug also helps in the
treatment of PCOS where one has ovarian cyst condition.
you an eminent brand "YASMIN"
that is oral combination contraceptive pill which contains Drospirenone and
Ethinyl estradiol. Yasmin acts by blocking the fertilization by stopping
ovulation and changing the thickness of cervical mucus hence turns difficult
for sperm to mate and incubate the egg hence by above two ways the drug will
stop pregnancy to occur. Place your order now for birth control pills from your reliable online store and avail
discounts and offers presented online.
people are very much aware about the family planning and the advancement of the
birth control:
measures prevent the unwanted pregnancy and abide the healthy relationship,
which one can rejoice along his partner. Pregnancy after certain age is good
thing, when one is matured and established to take care of the circumstance and
conditions. One has to take care of the need of the baby and the mother as
drug Yasmin comes in the pack of 28 tablets, where it contains 21 yellow active
drugs comprising of both Drospirenone and Ethinyl estradiol 3mg and 0.03mg
tablet formulation. 7 white inactive
placebo pills which acts as reminder medication to maintain the daily routine
and preventing missing of dose.
taking the medicament should administer single pill in a day at same time
orally along plain water. After 21 days she should start taking the white pills
and on 8th day she may begin with the new pack of Yasmin.
if you have missed the dose?
in a first week you missed single dose take 2 active drugs on the next day on
same time as usual and continue the therapy. If 2 pills are missed in last 2
week take 2 active pills for 2 consecutive days. And last 2, 3 week you are not
protected and start taking the other contraceptive method as backup and start
the next new pack dose from the next menstrual cycle.
female is suffering any sort of cancer like uterine or breast cancer or has
hepatic or renal disturbance then she should remain out of the use of the
is contraindicated for those who are sensitive to the drug or its content or
suffer blood related disorder hypertension and cardiac output is low or abnormal
If a
woman is taking Yasmin she should never smoke persistently as the drug will
bring the chance of CVS disorders, and the pills are not meant for the women
above 35 year of age.
One should be cautious while serving the medicament to epileptic and cholesterol patient. The drug is helpless if one has gone under implantation and pregnant lady should not take the drug.
"Place your order now for Yasmin birth control pill and get the order delivered on your
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